

A. 方法及评估计划

  1. 学生学习成果表
     Tutorial on how to write a measurable Student Learning Outcome
    A Student Learning Outcome states what a student should understand and/or be able to do as a result of what she has learned in a course, library orientation, counseling 会话.

    • What will my students know and be able to do better as a result of the intervention, 我在这里采用的创新或策略?
    • Does the SLO connect to or support the outcomes of a course or program?
    • Does the SLO describe learning that is meaningful in a real-world context?

    Effective Student Learning Outcomes should be results-oriented, clearly understood by colleagues and students, measurable, aligned with the Factulty Learning Outcome, 对教与学至关重要.
  2. Performance Indicators of Student Learning Outcomes

    With each Student Learning Outcome, Performance Indicators identify the small steps 学生采取的措施来实现学习成果. 性能指标是预先确定的 criteria, stated by you, that identify these steps.

    Keep in mind, many people think about the Student Learning Outcome (#1) before Performance 指标(# 2). This section, particularly, lends itself to recursive thinking.

    The following questions can help you identify the performance indicators of the student 项目的学习成果. 回答与你的工作相关的问题 项目是集中你的想法的一种方式.

    • What specific qualities or evidence will I observe in the students' work/performance/behavior that will demonstrate to me they have achieved this competency or indicator?
    • What is the minimum level of performance I am willing to accept from a student to say he or she has achieved the learning outcome(s)? (这是你的标准.)
    • What student core competencies and indicators (TVCA) are related to these outcomes?

    Performance Indicators of Student Learning Outcomes are the qualitative or quantitative interim measurements demonstrating that the meaningful steps in student learning 被带着去达到精通. 换句话说,指标确定了具体的, incremental traits or features of successful student mastery.

  3. Teaching, Counseling, or Librarianship Strategies of Student Learning Outcomes

    The following questions can help you decide the methods, strategies, and/or techniques to support student mastery of the student learning outcomes you identified in your 项目. Answer the questions that are relevant to your 项目 as a way to focus 你的想法.

    • 我的学习活动是什么? Will these activities prepare my students for mastery?
    • What are the processes for taking students from beginning to end?
    • How can I establish an inclusive and safe learning environment for my students during 这个过程?
    • How will my students make connections with the content, each other, and the instructor, 辅导员或图书管理员?
    • How am I going to keep records of the processes (student learning, teaching strategies, 等.)来做我的行动研究项目? 例如,书面方法:个人日记 或者日记,实地记录,调查,问卷? 现场方法:访谈、角色扮演、 录像带或录音带?

  4. 学生学习成果评估策略

    The following questions can help you decide the most effective assessment methods. Answer the questions that are relevant to your 项目是集中你的想法的一种方式.

    • How will I measure the performance indicators described in the Student Learning 结果部分?
    • What tool(s) am I going to use to measure/gauge how my students perform in relation 学生学习成果的指标?
    • Are there tools I can use that will give the students formative feedback (prior 接收总结性反馈)?
    • How will my students know the standards or criteria their work will be evaluated 反对?

    When choosing an assessment technique, I should ask myself:

    • Is the assessment technique chosen appropriate to my goal?
    • Can I integrate the assessment technique into my activities?
    • 它对学习有帮助吗?

    When applying an assessment technique, I should ask myself:

    • 我试过吗??
    • 我和同事排练过了吗?
    • 我怎样才能让学生明白我的目的?
    • 我怎样才能让学生明白这个过程呢?
    • How will I provide the necessary practice for students?
    • 我有足够的时间来应用这个技巧吗?

  5. 行动研究方法设计

    行动研究 is a scholarly inquiry to improve teaching and student learning. You have already described your plan's student learning outcomes, performance indicators, strategies, and assessment methods of the student learning outcome. 现在,你会 design a plan to assess the effectiveness of the innovative teaching and assessment 在项目中实现的方法. 记住,行动研究是关于什么 你在做什么,而不是别人在做什么.

    The following questions can help you decide the most effective methods to measure 你创新的有用性. 回答与你的工作相关的问题 项目是集中你的想法的一种方式.

    • How will I know whether or not (to what degree) my innovations have worked?
    • 我计划好如何分析数据了吗?
    • 我是否收集了合理数量的数据?
    • 我的分析过程是否可控?
    • 我是否计划了足够的时间来做分析?


    What kind of evidence will I produce to judge the value of my innovation(s) incorporated 在我的行动研究项目中?


    • If applicable, compare the results of a base class and pilot class
    • If applicable, compare the results of a base assignment and pilot assignment
    • If applicable, compare the results of a base class with aggregate departmental data


    • Will the statistics be the same if another researcher replicates your 项目?
    • If you replicate the 项目 in other classes, how will you demonstrate reliability and/or effectively describe your 项目 for replication?